C - 2D Array
Two dimensional arrays : Two dimensional array is known as matrix. The array declaration in both the array i.e.in single dimensional array single subscript is used and in two dimensional array two subscripts are is used. Its syntax is Data-type array name[row][column]; Or we can say 2-d array is a collection of 1-D array placed one below the other. Total no. of elements in 2-D array is calculated as row*column Example:- int a[2][3]; Total no of elements=row*column is 2*3 =6 It means the matrix consist of 2 rows and 3 columns For example:- 20 2 7 8 3 15 Positions of 2-D array elements in an array are as below 00 01 02 10 11 12 Accessing 2-d array /processing 2-d...